Tuesday, July 7, 2009

The sounds of nature and an airplane or two.

It has been so beautiful out the past few days our office has just propped open the doors and let the wind blow through. I have been loving it. Nice breeze, with fresh air and sunshine all day long. I makes me want to curl up out on the grass with my book.

The only thing that breaks this perfect setting would be our office happens to be located in an industrial airpark. So we are surrounded by other industrial type businesses and an airport. Oh well. The planes take off pretty quick and not often and so far today just the landscapers seem to be working outside with their weedwackers. I can still hear the birds so all is good in my book.

I dont know what it is about a slight breeze, clear skies, and happy birds but it lifts my spirits, calms my soul, and makes me smile.

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